
About Lichess growth

Why watching the growing number of players online give me pleasure? Like Lichess is mine. Is anybody have the same feeling?
(Virtual homeland)
i have been on lichess since late 2012 under many different usernames, and I must say, since the time kingcrusher was the bullet champion ( a long time ago) I really loved this site, and I still do, thank you to thibault and all the other helpers.
When I see there are more than 4,000 people online... it's great! I hope Lichess will continue growing!
To be honest, I like it when there are fewer users online, so I can analyze games quicker (When there are only ~2k players on, they only take five seconds to finish O.o) and find cheaters more efficiently.
I agree ^^
Thats why I spend a lot of time in the map.
By the way, I have a question: why did the monitor disapear and why when I try to access it by the link ( ), a message appears saying I have no permission? Is it a bug, or if it's ittentional, why?
"Why watching the growing number of players online give me pleasure?"
I also want to see more people discovering this more than perfect chess website. I was advertising at the inferior until they threatened to throw me out. They use censorship to defend their disgusting website. They also charge a fee for stuff that's free at And they're incompetent. They could never duplicate what has.
"I also want to see more people discovering this more than perfect chess website."

Nothing is perfect, but lichess remains my favorite place to play chess.

Lichess has style.
BobC, they are the present. They don't evolute, but just drifting the time.

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