
Some cheating.

Now I would use the report forum for this, but honestly I think it should be more out in the open.
The cheating on this site has been pretty bad lately.
Now normally I wouldn't even have made a post about it, but about 1 in every 3 games at the moment have blatant cheaters in them.

If you cheat smart etc I wouldn't even care, but its those 4-5-6-7-8 seconds a move for the entire games no matter how complicated or easy the position is that gets me kinda "mad".

If it happens once or twice a day I wouldn't care, but I'm guessing that its not just me that feels like this, but it completely zaps the fun out of chess and makes me want to play somewhere else.

Although I love this sites layout and how smooth everything is, but its just not fun anymore.

ps. I'm not really upset about losing games or nothing, but its gotten to the point that I just resign after 10-15 moves if they have the usual "timetell"..I do love the site though so I hope some system can be implemented to combat this.
Maybe a subscription or something? Cheaters don't want to pay, and I must say the site is good enough to have it.

If you're going to cheat please be discreet and mix up your movetimings so I don't have to rage at the screen.. thanks!
thanks for this statement Rinbn, iam waiting for this kinda long enough. Thumbs up!
Do you have any proof for your cheating accusations? Those shouldn't be made lightly.
I think you're only mad because you lost, i know how it can be to lose, and perhaps i know what you're thinking. But do you actually have a proof? Maybe you didn't notice that there is a large group on this site that is dedicated to reveal cheats and invest lots of time in that. Cheaters don't get banned from this site, is it that what you want to say? Sorry, i think this is not true, even though you can't reveal a cheater from move 1 in the first game on, but that's like it is on all chess websites and all other online games as well.

Whatever, the majority of players and the community plays fair, and the people here i play for months and years usually don't cheat because they want to have fun or improve in chess, too. Because of this it will never really be a problem, and if you still think it is, play only players you trust.
Hi King, I actually disagree, the last three weeks have been really really bad. Love the site, and over these past few weeks I've seen a lot of throwaway accounts and one in three games is being fairly generous. I've had up to four games in a row from different people. As for proof, statistical analysis aside, 1300s playing with 7 centipawn loss over a 60 move game of the Scotch Haxo having the same timing each move. Its fairly obvious when they don't understand position and yet manage to do so well in such a deep depth of a rarely played opening where no blunders were made on your part.
#5 if you are refering to this game I doubt your opponent was cheating. Pretty much all off his moves were perfectly obvious and at the end - when he was already +10 up - he didn't even play the best moves.
Actually it's not that rare of a line (Scotch gambit). It's true you don't often see it in tournament play, but it's not a rare opening amongst online players. And the thing is, it's not a hard line to remember from the black side.
I've been playing Scotch gambit for a long time, and I've seen average players knowing main lines up to moves 16-18 moves, because many of the moves are forced there.
#4 how can you play only you trust while in a tournament?
kingchaos, I have the proof, that when I have just opened his account, I immediately discovered a cheater. I am so sure in it, that I would easily bet on anything. But accusations of cheating (personal) are forbidden in the forum, so there is no sense "to give any proofs" here.
I must say there are many strange tings in this thread.
Rinbn has won 662 games, lost only 72. He must have beaten many many cheaters, my congrats!
lorek has blundered badly in move 11 in a Scotch gambit, then the game is over. Nobody to blame but oneself.
Martin Kestler is the player who has 3000 on the Chessbase server? Then I don't understand what is going on here. Of course, imo everybody can play as strong as he wants, but a little bit strange it is, nevertheless.
And what has it all to do with cheaters? Well, a good question.

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