
Have a hippo Sit on your hands

1. Hippopotamus opening

I stumbled upon the Hippopotamus defense 12-18 months ago but ditched it soon after having no success using it.

But having a new challenge of learning different openings to improve my overall understanding of the game, I watched a few youtube clips online teaching the opening.

And to be honest it really appealed to me it seems a rather passive quite opening initially allowing opponent to hang themselves quite a few times as there just seems so many options along the way for opponent to choose from.

I was prepared to play it as white and black but this 1st hippo game (i say first because this was first time playing it seriously) playing the Hippo using slower time controls of 30 minutes + 0 I just happened to be black.

I loved playing this game I laughed a few times as I'd never felt like my opponent was doing well all game.
I started strong. I had so much fun dictating play. And felt that I played this opening really well considering my lack of experience with it.
But move 33 (bishop to e4) was a massive blunder!!!!

What I learned = Take my time.
This was a 30 minute game I had 17:27 left on my clock when I made this move and only allowed 28 seconds to make this move.
As soon as I made this move I know it was a blunder just giving up the bishop for nothing in return at all.
Before this blunder engine assessed I was up 0.9 so pretty much a whole pawn. Then to drop down to 3.6 behind (a swing of 4.5) in 1 move is just terrible.

It's one thing to know what's wrong but how will I fix this problem??
Sit on my hands and choose from 3 candidate moves before deciding what move to make. Each of these 2 recommendations I found on reddit and I think if I do both then I will take more time and make many less blunders.