
WCC Game 7 Predictions and expectations

So what do you expect today from Magnus and Sergey?

Will somebody go into the sharp lines or just tire each other out just like heavyweight boxing match??
Don't expect anything. They're both already as smart as Capa in 50 years.
Carlsen will move like Stockfish 8. He is a cheater. I twig it many times when i analized position via Stockfish 8 and could predict his moves. Just so it and you will convince on your own.
excluding the trolling: Carlsen should easily beat Stockfish 8... Stockfish is approximately 2500 ELO, while Carlsen >2800...

Anyway, after 6 games Karjakin appears stronger than in the beginning, even though he is stronger as Black, so probably game 7 willbe a draw.
The 7th draw would be a wonderful thing to me,because it means no mistakes from both players in 7 games, two of them with more than 90 moves and under pressure! We have to keep in mind that a won game stems from a mistake from one of the two parts, whereas for many people (especially from the US) draw is just boring, as though there must always be a winner (and a loser).
@Rainbow52 the stockfish here on lichess is much less strong than regular desktop stockfish (over 3300). Many players can beat the level 8 on here even in bullet. Also I have drawn it so its reasonably weak.
Are not you tired of so Scraws?
@Rainbow52, @chessanalyst is right, i don't think Carlsen stand a chance of winning against Stockfish 8 on a decent computer these days. Maybe on some time controls, i don't know
Relax, I though we were talking about Stockfish 8 here on lichess and then is off topic....

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