
Bug : it says my opponent have the advantage while I'm winning

It says that my opponent (black) has the advantage while it is the opposite.
Stockfish looks at the future position, not the current position.
Edit: okay yeah something is wrong with SF
Weird indeed! And both players played perfectly as well!?

Seems to be a thematic starting after White's fifth move. Maybe having Black move first has made SF confuse the colours somehow?
SF grades the position at +6.2, which means white has the advantage
When I put it longer on the move, Stockfish changes the advantage from -5.9 to +5.9.
It says -6.2 for me at least, meaning Black is winning when losing.

When starting the engine on the last move and going back move after move it looks like Black is winning the whole time.
Put the engine longer on the last move, you will see the it changes the advantage from -5.9 to +5.9.
On the last move it finally changes from - to + (maybe cos I'm on the laptop instead of phone now) but go back half a move and it's - again. And there is no reason why it should think Black is winning initially even if it would change...

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