Donate start screen

<Comment deleted by user>
You may not like them; I don't either - but these pictures still are no advertisements, but related to chess contents.
Do people not know what advertisements are anymore?
<Comment deleted by user>
It’s actually like a blog thing RELATED to chess. So I think it’s fine. Besides it was there before.
@lorikeet64 said in #1:
> now containing pictures, recommend they be removed. Advertising free zone.

You mean the blog thumbnails that you have to scroll down to see? I thought those were always there.
I have a very muted home page - just black white grey - then there is the colour blog photo constantly calling - my opinion is it's as bad as an advertisement - unwanted and distracting. It is now unpleasant to look at the home screen as there is the constant tug of the colour photo. How can that not be bad design?
I find the constant motion of the active game much more intrusive than a few pictures.

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