
A rather odd request...

Is there any way y'all could lock me out of the forums? Or at least the Off Topic section? I like the site, I like chatting with people, and the chess game tools are second to none here, but my interaction with forums like this continues the trend of being really bad for my mental health, and I struggle with the self-control needed to stay away from dumb arguments. Like, it's genuinely really bad for me and I can't stop because my brain is broken.

Any assistance on this front would be greatly appreciated, thanks. :)
Turn on kid mode
Although you may get the temptation to turn it off again, you should still try it
@Autofill said in #2:
> Turn on kid mode
> Although you may get the temptation to turn it off again, you should still try it
Turn on kid mode and then forget your password
@Autofill said in #2:
> Turn on kid mode
> Although you may get the temptation to turn it off again, you should still try it

I do still use the chat functions, though, and enjoy them. If that's the best option, I'll use it, and thanks for the suggestion.
How about focusing that time and energy on something else? For instance, you could read and comment on blogs or studies and encourage them with your feedback.

I've also found myself wasting too much time on off-topic discussions. One thing that helped me was to resist the temptation to reply always. You can have a good discussion with some people, but with some others it's a rabbit hole that goes nowhere.

You can't change people. But you can change the way you behave. Choosing when to engage and how much engagement to do made a big difference in saving time for me.
Habits are not quittable, but they are replaceable
Find more meaningful works to do on yourself, for family or for your community
Life is short, dont waste it on meaningless arguments
I think a switch to disable forums would actually be kind of neat. I'm sure they're not the only one who is distracted by it - and for a while I had a similar issue on other websites where I kept getting into arguments. Luckily that has stopped for me.

One solution I can suggest as a band-aid would be a custom CSS plugin that selects the off topic forum and makes it `display: none;` aka. invisible. Not sure how the CSS selectors would work there though. I can try to figure it out and post it here tomorrow if you want.

One such plugin:
In the past, I've had decent results using Leechblock NG to limit the amout of time I spend on time-wasting sites. You should be able to set it up to only filter ”", which won't affect the rest of Lichess. You can also set it to do "softer" blocking, like a daily time limit or a "delaying" page.

Turn on kid mode and have someone else set the password. Forget chatting you may get aggravated there too.
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