
10000000 or love

Obviously love coz only love will help in difficult situation and not money
Money can't buy love, but $10M can rent an awful lot of affection.
@RiyanshMittal said in #31:
> Obviously love coz only love will help in difficult situation and not money

That was the best joke i ever heart.

That was so good, that was an epic Statement why you can smoke love in a crack pipe and how awesome money is.

Thank you very much.
@binjetzterstbeimArzt said in #33:
> That was the best joke i ever heart.
> That was so good, that was an epic Statement why you can smoke love in a crack pipe and how awesome money is.
> Thank you very much.
Bro It's my opinion and who are you to change it
what’s even the point of love???? cash easy

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