
KotH Scheduling

Resuts of this week matches:

Winners Bracket:

@BlunderPandaZz vs @ckassios4: 6-1
@j_coca vs @TheForkPower: 5.5-0.5
@The_reverse_flash vs @Aryan_Rahimpour_2004: 6-4
@RebelJohnny vs @Tsilboy: 6-3
@Ksipil vs @omicheldele: 3.5-5.5
@LudovicM59 vs @e-pluszak: 4-0 (retired)
@PseudoBenko vs @diegodpchess01: 5.5-3.5
@VariantsOnly vs @JackSparrow-7777: 6-0
@esn08 vs @oruro: 6-4
@AnIndianChessplayer vs @gbtami: 6-2
@Dumbeldore vs @Mike14Gr: Dumbeldore wins by forfeit
@blitzbullet vs @agg144: 6-0
@CyberShredder vs @e3Gewinnt: 5.5-2.5
@LuukDeGrote vs @ThaiSeagull: 6-0
@agnivo vs @sriramprasad: 6-0

Losers bracket:

@CHlivelylemon vs @Dharanish1320109: 1-6
@Holden16 vs @BlindJaguelep: 4-6
@gengobandchess vs. @Bubb13tea: Both forfeit
@pizzarocks147 vs @LaMarmota: 1-6
@KeithCar vs @Manyamis_Manyak: 0-6
@FS-Schach vs @DrGrunkestein: 1-6
@codingmasterggg vs @Mate_on_f7: Mate_on_f7 wins by forfeit
@r2300 vs @DrunkenDrongo: 0-1 (retired)
@Karl_RR vs @mamkmk: Karl_RR wins by forfeit
@jean_val_jean vs @akshay_dubey: 6-4
@KeyanChessCoach vs @werderfan: 1-6
@Agoodchessplayer vs @KirbyZZZZ: 5.5-3.5
@WCIS-Ethan-House vs @Ukranian_BishOps: WCIS-Ethan-House by forfeit
@AmolGreat vs @Babosos: AmolGreat wins by forfeit
@Vibranium18 vs @Wannagetto3000: Vibranium18 wins by forfeit
@ap87 vs @Just-give-up: 3-6

The match between @papapizza vs @sandisladoledar recieved an extension and is going to be play today
In this round that finished yesterday we just had one double forfeit decided by the Tournament Directors. The other ones were decided voluntarily by one of the players.

I hope the next round (this next week), we will be even better in this sense. The pairings will be post soon!

Thanks a have a great week.
Round 3 Pairings:

Deadline: Saturday September 2

Winners Bracket

@BlunderPandaZz vs @j_coca
@papapizza vs. @The_reverse_flash
@RebelJohnny vs. @omicheldele
@LudovicM59 vs. @PseudoBenko
@VariantsOnly vs. @esn08
@AnIndianChessplayer vs. @Dumbeldore
@blitzbullet vs. @CyberShredder
@LuukDeGrote vs. @agnivo

Losers Bracket:

@sriramprasad vs. @Dharanish1320109
@ThaiSeagull vs. @blindjagulep
@e3Gewinnt vs. @bubb13tea
@agg144 vs. @LaMarmota
@Mike14Gr vs. @manyamis_manyak
@gbtami vs. @DrGrunkestein
@oruro vs. @Mate_on_f7
@JackSparrow-7777 vs. @Drunken_Drongo
@diegodpchess01 vs. @Karl_RR
@e-pluszak vs. @jean_val_jean
@Kpisil vs. @werderfan
@Tsilboy vs. @Agoodchessplayer
@Aryan_Rahimpour_2004 vs. @WCIS-Ethan-House
@SandiSladoledar vs. @AmolGreat
@TheForkPower vs. @Vibranium18
@ckassios4 vs. @Just-give-up
To all the players:

Please remember that if for some reason you have problems to contact your opponent via Direct Message or your are chatbanned or any other reason:

1. Try to contact your opponent using this forum.
2. Write to the Tournament Directors (@oruro @PepsiNGaming) to ask for a solution.

But please do not wait until the end of the week to try to schedule your match or write to us. The faster you do it the better will be for everyone!

Remember that the Deadline is Saturday September 2nd.

Have fun and enjoy the games!

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