
Search "user:JmEricsson"

13 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - No points awarded after winning to a cheater#8

@Sazed @risky-chess First of all, thank you for the link! But in my opinion this link does not solve the problem. Because the text in the link only explains why and under which conditions you get your…

Lichess Feedback - No points awarded after winning to a cheater#7

@david9426 The match was originally rated. @JPukallus @Komokid Lichess itself flagged him as a cheater (White). You can see it when you hover over or click on his profil name. This is the link to the …

Lichess Feedback - No points awarded after winning to a cheater#1

Hello community, today I won against a cheater that got detected from the system right after our match. But I didn't receive any points from that match. I assume it is because Lichess probably turns e…
