
Search "user:ironkknight"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why a draw when I should have won?#1

White timed out and lost on time - yet the game ends in a draw. Why?

General Chess Discussion - How to report cheater to admin#1

So, how do you do that?

Lichess Feedback - Abort game withour penalty#3

No, he did not. Had to wait full 22 minutes!

Lichess Feedback - Abort game withour penalty#1

Request to admin: please help us abort games with no penalty if opponent has not moved in 5 minutes. POLMANOO did not make a move for a full 22 minutes. I should not have to resign and lose points bec…

General Chess Discussion - KID vs other white setups not Austrian Attack#3

@Kusokosla Thank you for that and, yes, I have found using the modern defense very hard to use, So, what do you use as black?

General Chess Discussion - KID vs other white setups not Austrian Attack#1

Looking at studying the KID and it seems to be a good defense against the Austrian Attack. There is a huge database of such games and I was wondering if anyone might know how the KID can be used again…
