
Search "user:rlliw"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Opponent blatantly cheated, but no ban after multiple reports. Any other options?#10

@YouWillLoseFight said in #9: > maybe he's not cheating How is copying engine moves not cheating?

Lichess Feedback - Opponent blatantly cheated, but no ban after multiple reports. Any other options?#8

@ALucasM said in #7: > but if it was casual, it wouldn't really matter, right? In terms of rating, no. In terms of violating the fair play policies established by Lichess, yes. In terms of being a goo…

Lichess Feedback - Opponent blatantly cheated, but no ban after multiple reports. Any other options?#6

@anonmod said in #5: > No. Most moderators are specialists. If I am reading this correctly, your report refers to a casual atomic correspondence game. That basically makes your report as niche as poss…

Lichess Feedback - Opponent blatantly cheated, but no ban after multiple reports. Any other options?#3

@RJblue said in #2: > Your reports do not go ignored, and will eventually be reviewed. You have to keep in mind that Lichess is a busy site. Can you put a time scale on "eventually"? It has already be…

Lichess Feedback - Opponent blatantly cheated, but no ban after multiple reports. Any other options?#1

A while back, I was playing a correspondence game and I became suspicious that my opponent was somehow using assistance. Upon checking their game history, I found that they started another corresponde…

General Chess Discussion - Does failing to start correspondence games result in a ban?#1

When playing rapid or blitz, I have had opponents not play a first move in the designated time and the message "Failure to start games will result in a temporary ban" is displayed. I have seen a recen…
