
Why Did I start making teams on Lichess?

The true story to my successful team!

my dad introduced me to Lichess. First i played on mobile and only played chess and no teams. after a few months i started it on my old Lenovo laptop! Then my friend introduced me to Lichess Teams! i actually havent closed my first team. my other friend closed it :(. and I started again it had 200 members but i closed it idk why. and started again but had 400 members but I kinda got stuck at 400 and closed it. then i quit lichess for 1 year. After that I created my BIGGEST Team I have ever created Online Chess Tournament! It had 800 members but @EZthings hacked it!!! and i was so upset and I quit for 2 years. Then I came back I created one team Called RAZOARCHESSTOURNAMENTS. but sadly my brother closed it :(. i quit for 1 year again. but now... I had a plan to create a team called Suggondswarriors but now it has like 106 members. I just made a team for my other account to show to my friends. I never thought it would make this big. The Team was Called WORLD CHESS PLAYERS ELITE the name came for my mind when i was creating it. i made it with no hopes of earning members. and for the 2 days i had to tournaments then i made a tournament and on that tournament i got 30 members I was like woah i may have a future in this team! and i grinded and grinded and i kinda quit for 2 months but i came back! now i lead the biggest teams on lichess with 300 members. i know it’s not that big but i see a good future for it! my 2 best friends - @Virtual_Pal and @Brave_Goldenheart i hope your reading this. i am here cuz both of you!

I hope this inspired you to start a team! i just have one team to say never let teams influence your chess games try to manage them both! my team - help me by joining!