IM MergenSatrancMerkezi Lichess coach picture

IM Mergen Satranç | Mergen Chess Club

Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

Location Turkiye
LanguagesTürkçe, English (US)
Hourly rateDetaylı bilgi için mesaj atabilirsiniz. | Contact for the details.
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Teaching experience

Our chess club only has international and grandmaster teachers and they have been teaching for more than 8 years.

Teaching methodology

First of all, we analyse your recent games carefully and identify your weaknesses. Then we plan the intensity of the trainings and we send you our coaching documents in which you'll be seeing various useful training methods.

We also give our private numbers to our students so that we can keep in touch during the week and you'll be able to ask the potential questions without waiting till the next lesson!

YouTube videos