
More problems at lichess

#10 Toadofsky

If I may comment on your reply...

1) There is no doubt that the developers are clever people, but if they are 'some of the world's best minds' I'd like to think they could iron out all the little problems at lichess

2) I'm glad you appreciate the constructive criticism - to be honest, it is pretty obvious - and one of the problems at lichess is that while 'some of the world's best minds' are working on such things, the obvious sometimes eludes. I would have thought it better, for example, simply not to chuck in the 'insights' until it can be completed properly. I'm sure it is expensive - but perhaps not as expensive as developing many of the other features such as the eight chess variants. Priorities ought really to be to make this the best chess interface around - in my opinion.

3) Don't worry yourself - I have no intention to 'do it myself'. The suggestion that great things are only possible when working as a team is only right sometimes though - and the ordinary users, such as I am, certainly aren't part of any team. Otherwise, our suggestions and ideas would be listened to. I don't kid myself - lichess, wonderful though she is, is a mad, mad hobby come to life - and the hobbyist/s do with her as they will. We ordinary folk are just her blood cells.

Thank you for bothering to reply though - apart from Julian, most of the mods only show up to close threads :D

Ho hum, up the... rum-pum-pum.

I'm a little disconsolate. I do hope my lichess-lust returns.
DAMMIT I missed a full stop after 1)


(if we could edit posts it'd be great)
Well said #11. I'll just jump in here and add that we all appreciate the work that has been done on Lichess already, but feel like it still has a lot of room for improvement.
#11 I hope you feel better soon...

1) That's quite optimistic.

2) I'm always a fan of constructive criticism. You've been citing "zero down time" and I referred you to efforts developers are making for that explicit purpose... here's another perspective of that same data:

for example:
* precompile translation messages to save on startup time
* fix handling of IPs pairs in firewall
* fix lobby socket usage
* websocket: only cycle through 4 alternate ports
* include js translations directly in the page
* only use location.reload if URL has a hash, to prevent cache invalidation
* ensure schedules and subscriptions clear up on actor restart
* so apparently `2` is not always a hour, and it crashes the server
and so on. Those are changes in only the last 4 days!

3) I don't know what to say; certainly I can only speak for myself. As a lichess developer I'm making what difference I can & appreciative when my suggestions are taken seriously.
If I may jump in to offer some encouragement.

I've seen this site grow steadily in a very short amount of time and I could not be happier with it. Yes, I've also had some games knackered by downtime and yes, I wish for some features. But as time has gone on this site has done nothing but cross wishes off my list.

lichess is the most functional work in progress I've ever seen and the devs are doing a great job. Give them time to work and the site will only get better. I would not play and love chess as much as I do if it weren't for this site. Thanks to all of you =)
I greatly appreciate all the effort the team puts in this website! I wont loose my trust just because of some server downtime. Programming and managing lichess deserves more appreciation IMO. If you cannot empathize with that then try programming yourself. ;D

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