
Tournament pairing system sucks sometimes

There should be different pairing system if number of players is low (>10). In such case the waiting time between games is too long, it must be reduced.
Also pairing sometimes is not logical. Example: played in a daily arena, waited 5 min. for a game, when other players finished (2 games), came to lobby, but started with each other another 2 games, and I had to wait again.
Also 2 players should be allowed to play again more than once in a row if they are the only players that remains in tourney. Example: 20 min. to the end, all players withdrawn, only 2 left , but they are not paired, so the time is just ran out without any games.
I thought that if only two players remain (and they just played) that the arena tournament simply terminates. Maybe I'm mistaken.

One thing we should (somehow, I'm unsure how) avoid encouraging is the following: a player who gets a difficult pairing quickly loses the game in order to get an easier pairing.
If there are only 2-3 players left in a tournament, consider it paused.

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