
New chess novelty

Too bad, I felt I was really playing at top level!
It was a nice finish and kind of entertaining, but top level don't let 10+ advantage slip away. Fun game though :)
I know ;D just only realised afterwards it was such a horrible game.
Keep practicing, and finally you will play glorious game. They say the real fun starts at around 1900! :)
I analysed the opening a bit, just because the engine says it is -1, it is not clear at all. The kingsgambit is always an opening which the engine dislikes, but we see that there are some "human" lines which show an advantage for white.

[Event "?"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2016.02.28"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Kingsgambit Novelty"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[ECO "C30"]
[PlyCount "20"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2016.02.28"]

1. e4 e5 2. f4 Nc6 3. c3 exf4 (3... d5 4. exd5 (4. Nf3 dxe4 5. Nxe5 Nxe5 6.
fxe5 Qd5 (6... Qh4+ 7. g3 Qe7 8. Qe2 Qxe5 9. Bg2 Nf6 10. d4 Qd5 11. O-O $13 {
maybe white has good compensation here, open f-file and good squares for the
peaces}) 7. Qe2 Qxe5 8. d4 Qe6 9. Bf4 $17 {black is better here, but
nevertheless, white has at least some sort of play on the f-file and the
half-open e-file.}) 4... Qxd5 $17 {that's obviously bad for white, white only
did pawn-moves and has weaknesses on the kingside due to f4}) 4. Nf3 Nf6 (4...
d5 {still good here, in the game white played e5 with tempo, which is not
possible here.}) 5. d3 d5 6. e5 Ng4 (6... Nh5 $1 {protecting the pawn is the
way the engine wants to play, but the knight actually looks not that nice on
the rim. I don't know whether a human want's to play that move} 7. Be2 g5 8.
O-O g4 9. Ne1 Nxe5 10. Bxf4 Nxf4 11. Qa4+ $1 Bd7 12. Qxf4 $17 {black has the
bishoppair and is a pawn up}) 7. Bxf4 f6 {it is interesting, this move is the
only one which safes black an advantage! I tested some alternatives} (7... Be7
{this was played in the game, but after d4 White has a nice position} 8. d4 $14
) (7... Be6 8. h3 Nh6 9. d4 Nf5 10. Bd3 $14) (7... d4 8. h3 Nh6 9. g4 (9. cxd4
Nf5 $17 (9... Nxd4 10. Qa4+ Nc6 11. Nc3 Nf5 12. d4 $16 Nfxd4 13. O-O-O $18))
9... Be6 10. Bg2 $14) 8. exf6 Qxf6 9. Qd2 Bd6 (9... Bc5 $5 10. d4 O-O {black
can do this because the bishop is hanging on f4} 11. Bg3 Bd6 12. Bxd6 Qxd6 $17
{white is not developed yet, black has already castled, black is better here.})
10. Bxd6 Qxd6 $15 {safe advantage for black due to the fact that he is better
developed} *

You can copy and paste this into chessbase or another PGN-viewer. If you don't have chessbase, you can paste it in here:

Have fun with my analysis!

If you want me to analyse one of your games, send me a message, I will try to point out mistakes and tell you what you can do better.

-Satscho (KabeljauTV)

#7 im having fun already :p

#8 yo thanks for this extensive analysis. I play the gambit quite much but they always seem to lead to wild unpredictable games. I maybe should choose a different opening instead, but for casual games its fun. I watched your stream a few times before man, really enjoyable. When are you on again?
@Olesma The stream KabeljauTV is hosted by my buddy Kabeljaukrieger at the moment. We had the idea to start streaming together, in the beginning I did some streams too, but now my best friend manages the stream. He had some exams recently, so he had to focus on that. I can't tell you when the next stream will be, but you can be sure that you will see a stream by us again.

Maybe I will do a show at some point, but at the moment, I try to be active here in the forum and respond to almost all of your questions. maybe we do a "Satscho-special)? ;) Who knows :)

Best regards

Satscho (KabeljauTV

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