
My opponent cheated

Exactly, is bageryan. To the people who say is no cheating I ask, do you accept this kind of players in the page? Are good to this site? I think no.
I think he should get his points back.
People who leave a game when they are losing are annoying and should not be allowed to play long games.
Exploiting a "bug" is indeed cheating. However, this isn't a bug really, it's expected behavior.

When the clock is running, if you leave the game board by disconnect or just boredom for longer than a certain time frame (I believe it's different based on the total clock) your opponent will get the option to claim victory or draw. This option is designed to PREVENT people from abandoning the game without resigning or accepting a draw and making the opponent ride out the clock while they run off and start a new game.

In this case, the player is exploiting not a bug, but the intended behavior. They run the clock but don't actually leave the game. There WAS a bug actually that people were using to keep the clocks running even though they left the board, but I think that one was fixed? Maybe not.

Either way, when you agree to a clock, you agree to play it in full. If the opponent decides to run out such a long clock, while not cheating it's definitely unsportsmanlike. You should put a note on their profile and block them.
I don't see why people say long games are not suitable for online chess. Why not? It's only bad sportsmanship that potentially makes it difficult. There's no reason that if people played fairly, long games can't be great online.
"I don't see why people say long games are not suitable for online chess. Why not?"

Time burners and people cheating with engines ruined it they are the reason why 60-90 minute tournaments died years ago and no one plays classical online anymore they completely destroyed it.

Classical Chess is like a 15 round boxing match and a marathon in one the guy with the nerves and the energy to keep up and go the distance in that kind of fight is the one who comes out on top it's where you learn the art of planning, how to pace yourself, develop your intuition put into practice all the stuff you learned in a book like Reassess your Chess 4 you can't get that in a two minute game.

I played chess against the computer and the computer cheated
Hey,that's not cheating...that's lacks of sportsmanship...u cant even report that player since both of u agreed to 180+180....player didn't violate any rules of lichess...he just exploited it a bit in his offence,i m not supporting player's any deed...
After all,win matters not how u get that....Mark Zuckerberg betrayed his best friend(Co-founder)and facebook was not his idea...he stole the idea of HarvardConnect...But today he is the youngest "self-made" billionaire not those UConnect members(i don't even remember their names)

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