
a4 Ra3 is actually good!!

Well most humans would simply take your rook for bishop on move 3 wouldn't they? Not sure I understand as a lowly 1600 but I can't see an average human not taking 5 pawns for 3 immediately or even move 1 replying with e5, but I guess I maybe just showing my naivety! Ha
Give proper Stockfish the position after 1. a4 d5 2. Ra3 e5 3. g3 and naturally we see Bxa3 4. Nxa3 c5 with an evaluation of -2.5 for White.
For those who don't know why I am even talking about this, it is because of a recent cheating scandal which includes GM Brandon Jacobson who got banned after achieving a score of 40-29 (in his favor) using the same a4 Ra3 in every game against GM Daniel Naroditsky in 70 game blitz match on I looked through some of the games and took some ideas from there and tried to put them into this game.
Despite a4, I still believe that the Sodium Attack is the best opening!
Yeah to me it seems that getting a plus score against such a strong player must mean that even if it is unsound, it must be quite hard to refute. Of course, the time control is an important factor
@Davelz said in #5:
> Give proper Stockfish the position after 1. a4 d5 2. Ra3 e5 3. g3 and naturally we see Bxa3 4. Nxa3 c5 with an evaluation of -2.5 for White.

Exactly, the only reason level 5 didn't take the rook is because it's programmed to not always play the best moves, as opposed to a human who always *tries* to play the best moves, or plays what they think is best (with the exception of OP, I suppose), and Bxa3 is an obvious best move.
If the idea is to play it seriously, the proper setup for Black should be 1... a6, 2... Ra7, without unequal exchange.

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