
Black Is OK

@pawnedge #56:
> (1) This is a thread in a public forum, not a direct message, so literally anyone can (and will) reply here, and going into this discussion you should have expected as much. (I’m surprised *you* didn’t know this by now.) (2) It is thus perfectly in accordance with the forum etiquette here — which, as it happens, clousems helped to write back in the day — to add one’s 2¢ to the thread, just as I am doing now. 0:-) (3) Joining a discussion others are having, no matter how late you come to it, does not in itself make you guilty of employing some fallacy. That’s not even what it means for something to be fallacious; that’s not how fallacies work. (It’s not a question of timing or circumstance, but the form of the argument itself.)

General talk and discussion is normal and anyone can do with anyone in public threads. But when some user points out something from another person that starts a debate then 3rd player who aren't tagged/pinged, shouldn't put forward their opinion by tagging/pinging those users, they should either DM them or write in public thread without mentioning anyone. That's basic rule of online foruming. Surprised that you didn't know this yet.
PS: I am active on social media, and hence I know all of it. I have seen other people who also don't unnecessarily do things that shouldn't be done. You seem new to social media but don't seem to be! I can tell you about those if you come to personal chat.

You surely don't know whether White has any so called 'First Move Advantage' (it's something that can be answered in yes or no but with ample data to back your claim) by escaping the discussion by putting any random quote.
The first move is not fact as said by other user rather assumption as it's not proved and has no reason.

'Assumptions are made and most assumptions are wrong' ~ Einstein
@Akbar2thegreat said in #59:
I have referred to data, cf. lichess Master's games, Millionbase, or any other database of your liking. They contain actual chess games, and millions of them, between strong players, OTB. White wins more often, by a margin of much more than 1%, which by the large deviation principle is statistically extremely highly significant over a million games or more.

You claim that I don't understand your question. Please tell me again what it is, I would be happy to try and answer it if I can.

In any case you clearly have no interest in looking at the data I refer too, or in knowing about the win rate of white in chess. To me it seems like you are desperately trying to be right, while not contributing in any meaningful way to the discussion.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #61:
>You surely don't know whether White has any so called 'First Move Advantage' (it's something that can be answered in yes or no but with ample data to back your claim)
>'Assumptions are made and most assumptions are wrong' ~ Einstein

Funny you say that, because you keep repeating your same postulate, that white has no advantage, without any data, while discarding the millions of games I have provided as evidence that white does has an advantage. What you are doing is literally proof by invincible ignorance.

I have not made any assumptions but just pointed out the fact that across various datasets, be it OTB or online, white wins more often than black. You are not willing to acknowledge this point after about a dozen posts, which makes me think you are trolling or purposefully acting in a bad faith manner in this discussion.
@Roadto2_1k said in #62:
> To me it seems like you are desperately trying to be right, while not contributing in any meaningful way to the discussion.
In the first place, I never made any claim nor I intend to do so. I had a simple (yet not easy) question about which I am not getting suitable response. And I am not discarding those million of games you are talking about but I am in need of better and improved response from you or someone else which I never got. Thanks for being in the discussion but unfortunately I am not able to explain my exact query here. Possibly that caused the discussion to turn into debate for which I surely accept. I will try again perhaps on other platforms as well. Thanks again for being active in this discussion though. I will go back to drawing board to analyse my thought over the actual point.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #64:
> In the first place, I never made any claim nor I intend to do so. I had a simple (yet not easy) question about which I am not getting suitable response. And I am not discarding those million of games you are talking about but I am in need of better and improved response from you or someone else which I never got. Thanks for being in the discussion but unfortunately I am not able to explain my exact query here. Possibly that caused the discussion to turn into debate for which I surely accept. I will try again perhaps on other platforms as well. Thanks again for being active in this discussion though. I will go back to drawing board to analyse my thought over the actual point.

Thank you for the concluding remarks, I am sorry to hear that my points have not answered the questions which you had in mind.

Wishing you all the best for the future, Road

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