
How to learn OPENING?

You could try 'Chess Hero 2.5 for Windows' developed by innokuo up to 2014. It's free but no longer being developed.

It works by feeding in PGN files. For openings training you would create a PGN file for each line you want to learn and load into the program as a separate profile with settings set to sequential, the colour you play and the penalties etc - less complicated than it sounds. You can then walkthrough the line with you having to input the colour you are playing the program feeding you the opposite colour. Program will produce graphs of your historic performance in selecting the correct book/line move which naturally leads you to concentrate on the line you are weak on.

Very handy program as it's quite simple to use and adjust (add more lines). There are other free programs like Lucas Chess which has far more training features but a bit more complicated to get going imo. The key is creating each line in a single PGN file.

While I agree it's best to understand the opening rather than rote memorization it should be noted that there nothing stop you from doing both! Personally I find rote memorization builds a bit of confidence when playing especially at lower levels.
@Zehou said in #8:
> There are many good videos on youtube for openings
> You can buy some books about openings too

Certainly, but you need a mechanism to force you to repeatedly recall moves for learning to take place, otherwise all you are doing is 'recognition'. Learning needs to have an active component to it.

I have also found useful to go through an opening book constructing PGN files as I go.

You can of course use Lichess studies for this purpose as well.
Learn the ideas either through the countless videos available online, and play that opening to death, and if the opponent does something not in your personal theory book. Look it up and try to figure it out. Without the computer for some time, and then you can check it with the computer afterwards.

or if its just bullshit moves you can check the computer right away, and note it in your opening files in chessbase if you have it, or whatever you have,

Sadly there are not that many shortcuts in learning openings unless you just play a meek system... which is not bad at all in blitz etc.

Depending on the person studying openings isn't always glamour and glory, but its really fun if you actually get a new idea in a game which you for instance found through the computer or whatever.

Sadly its probably a must if you want a title , or you're so talented that tactics alone carry you to IM at least.
@ibrahimchess3 said in #1:
> I want to learn new opening and it's there a site to learn and practice opening for free...?

MCO 15 is a very good book on chess openings. There are also some great youtube videos on openings.
The Books even my Friends hits levels of master 2300 in fide with the opening Books the Books are the secret in préparation and learning the openings there is a site like B-ok
I know what i'm saying am an expérience player

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