
Feature Request: Super Zen Mode (hide all ELO ratings)

Could we add a next level Zen Mode that hides ALL elo ratings even outside of games? Even on the user profile?

As someone who suffers from serious ladder anxiety (all I do now is play puzzles), I would love to be able to play rated games without thinking or worrying about my rating or that of my opponents.
@annoygenius - I still want to play rated games, though. The only thing is that I don't want to have opportunities to worry about my rating before and after every game.

It would be great to play rated games without rating being on my mind.
Thumbs up for this. An alternative could be to wrap all instances of the display of ratings in something that could be hidden via CSS.
There's a Firefox extension for this if you look it up. Not sure if it's available on other browsers.
Good to know. I can look at the code and make a script for Tampermonkey or something more widely useful.

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