
Cheating in three-check-chess?

I was banned for cheating. I was wondering which software I used, because I've been searching for quite some time, but did not find a software capable of playing three-check chess...
I didn't know that lichess contains an engine playing three check chess. For how long is this engine available?

I have just played a few three-check games against the computer. The openings are those of <1500 players. 1.e4 d5?? or 1.e4 e5?! I have never played such moves. Nobody does, because it's suicide. But on the other hand, this engine is a tactical monster. Much much stronger than me in middle and end games. I stepped through some of my games and find huge blunders.

I will take the cheating reproval as a compliment.
yeah, you'll have to talk to the developers..

Most likely you'll have to make a new account :( and close this 1

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