
Please bring back emojis

Emojis can't be used in chats, forums or team descriptions, this has been so for a long time. Pls enable emojis once again
Some emojis represent swear words, wickedness and so on.
Some indicate cyber-bully, noobing, idiot, anger, and so on. Some people don't understand how and where to use these emojis. Also they use it in public, public-shaming or sometimes making sexual abuse. To prevent these, Lichess stopped the use of emojis, in public chats, forums, blogs, teams and profiles.
But you could use character emojis like -- :), :-(, (~_~), and so on.
@SamannOyB said in #2:
> Some emojis represent swear words, wickedness and so on.
> Some indicate cyber-bully, noobing, idiot, anger, and so on. Some people don't understand how and where to use these emojis. Also they use it in public, public-shaming or sometimes making sexual abuse. To prevent these, Lichess stopped the use of emojis, in public chats, forums, blogs, teams and profiles.
> But you could use character emojis like -- :), :-(, (~_~), and so on.

Ladies and gentlemen we got em
<Comment deleted by user>
@SamannOyB said in #2:
> Some emojis represent swear words, wickedness and so on.
> Some indicate cyber-bully, noobing, idiot, anger, and so on. Some people don't understand how and where to use these emojis. Also they use it in public, public-shaming or sometimes making sexual abuse. To prevent these, Lichess stopped the use of emojis, in public chats, forums, blogs, teams and profiles.
> But you could use character emojis like -- :), :-(, (~_~), and so on.

Still, banning emojis because of this is pointless, because people can just use words if they want to bully or whatnot. People not behaving is a problem to be dealt with, but banning emojis doesnot benefit the cause, it just takes away means of expression from all users.

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