
#29: And Then There Were None

@peppie23 said in #18:
> Fantastic article once again. It reminds me of one of my visitor-articles on my blog with a similar sense of humor.
> I guess the younger players probably don't know Chuck Norris ( but his name is linked to many jokes.
> A few of them just to bring you in the right spirit.
> 1) Chuck Norris knows that the starting position wins for white except when he has black.
> 2) Chuck Norris never plays theory. He always plays the best move.
> 3) Nobody ever won from Chuck Norris. Worse nobody even won a pawn from Chuck Norris even if he sacrificed one.
> 4) If Chuck Norris wants to lose then he switches places with his opponent.
> 5) Chuck Norris never writes down his moves. His games don't last long enough.
> There is much, much more ... and some really good ones in between. I would love more such articles but I don't have the skills.
I feel like I'm back in the 2000s. :P Fun article!