
What’s it like being a Lichess mod

As the title says and thank you to any mods who have taken the time to answer
@myoung11 said in #1:
> As the title says and thank you to any mods who have taken the time to answer

As an unregistered ex-moderator of Lichess and mass-murderer of the wizarding world, I can confirm it is a very hard job indeed
Is it as fun as receiving a new custom wand from Ollinvander's Shoppe?
To quote from the FAQ:

> If we see someone who we think would be good as a moderator, we will contact them directly.

That is, in fact, all. What triggers that "we think would be good", which traits someone has to exhibit is - I suppose for a reason - kept secret. This way one doesn't have to argue or even discuss any arbitrary decision.

Furthermore, moderators do normally not use their regular user accounts but in fact anonymous accounts like "A Lichess Moderator" when they act as moderators. This is a great way to avoid pesky accountability discussions.

Also, here is a link to the forum rules:

Now, regularly people who haven't violated these rules are being banned. I couldn't care less, but obviously also other than the mentioned rules are in place, just that they aren't stated, only executed.

So, to sum it up: a group of people, selected by properties which are being kept secret, act covertly and enforce rules, which are not being told to anybody, as they please. This is a great way to run things, it worked in the stories of Franz Kafka as well as in reality for the Ku-Klux-Klan.

To state it for the record: this is a private server, owned by this group (or parts thereof) and they have every right to run things in any way they please - even this one. If you don't like the way things are, your remedy is to simply delete your account. There is no right to have one and there is no obligation of the owner(s) of the server to provide you one. They can take yours away at any time and for any reason, even for no reason at all.
"What’s it like being a Lichess mod"

You get to shadowban accounts. Cheap thrills!

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