
Mastering Chess Opening Strategy: A Grandmaster Guide

You're showing examples from a 600 rated game? How about from a GM game? It's easy to say someone won due to them following principles when in fact opponents just hang pieces every other move.
Thank you for this great material I am learning lots from you, thank you for your time and effort, greetings from Canada :-)
@mojo_jojo_1985 said in #2:
> You're showing examples from a 600 rated game? How about from a GM game? It's easy to say someone won due to them following principles when in fact opponents just hang pieces every other move.

This article is meant to be helpful for beginners, so it can help people win against other beginners who make these kind of mistakes. So that's why he shows "examples from a 600 - rated game", because this article is meant to help beginners under 1000.