
'Game completion rate'

Just noticed this... what does it mean, exactly?
Most profiles I've seen say '100%', but I've seen, too, lower numbers...
Probably the amount of games you abandon without resigning
The percentage can be found in the profile of a player.
Example: Click on your name » profile
Under your edited text area (top right) you will see inbetween all the info, the percentage of games completed:
Member since Aug 14, 2012
Active 4 minutes ago
Game completion rate: 100%
Time spent playing: 30 days and 1 hour
Time on TV: 5 hours and 13 minutes

Since they are statistics, it could be nice to box it all in, maybe like the insight button. Maybe call it the sportmanship shortcut button, where you could get a quick review to their say bullet stats just before the bullet tournament.
I've noticed I can't see the completion rate in all profiles (in @RaiderUnion for example).
Is this a bug or is it supposed to be that way? (And if so, in which cases is it supposed to be invisible?)
Well I've disconnected once in blitz, and twice in classical and my game completion rate is 100%. So I'm confused what it means.

I'd think abandoning a game and disconnecting is the same thing.

You have 3 disconnections over 922 games which is a 99.67% completion rate. It's not unreasonable to assume they've rounded up


That profile shows a game completion rate for me, but I've also seen some without it. Maybe it's a temporary glitch

My completion rate is 94% - it can't be a % over all games. I never abandon games and unluckily had a server crash 10 games ago maybe (the last game I lost at the moment).

Good spot. I have no idea when they started counting because you've played at least 65 games since this thread was made and have lost either 0 or 1 games due to ''leaving'' (you timed out that game so I don't know if it even counts)

You should have a game completion rate of at lest 98% even if it started counting after it came out

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