
How to beat the queens gambit?

I'm not sure yet . I think solid ,sound moves, Qgd is best I think the queens gambit is the long game you have to be very patient and play the long game but then I lose to it all the time it's pretty unplayable at my level but solid Qgd seems the best xxxedit the deeper you get into qgd the better your chances it's the long game xxxedit lots of lines and variations xxx
I looked through some of your games. Your responses to 1.d4 are all sound.

The problem lies here... you need to slow down and build your position. Develop your pieces, see what your opponent is doing, apply some prophylaxis to attempt to gain a tempo or two and only once you have a strong, coordinated setup begin to push into enemy territory.

I caveat the above statement as there are exceptions to be found. Nonetheless...

d4 games are built on coordinating your pieces into an orchestra - it’s often a positional game

Maybe play some slower time controls to work on slowing down and not trading off your pieces. More pieces means you can theoretically control more of the board, especially if your pieces are coordinated.

Aside from that, the Grunfeld, Semi-Slav, modern Benoni and the Nimzo-Indian are all fun to use against white.
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There is no way beat any sound opening. That is why they are called sound. You just have improve you game play in general. And in case you have have particular problems with a opening look at master games on what they do to get some general idea what going on but problem is hardly ever the opening.
Nismo Indian fight for e4 is not a bad plan , at our low level Queens gambit is always the same plan and it usually involves an e 4 push , also grab that light square bishop if you can that also stops their main ideas

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