
To make a games more interesting, richer. It is impossible ?

There is a question and I want to ask players and spectators-
How we may make here our games more interesting, entertaining, richer?
How to encourage strong players Top-10 Classic on Lichess to play with each other and not with the frankly weak players in order to increase or keep a high rating ? How have no fear with that any cheating computer help opposite opponents from?
May be have any answers, offers... thinking people, write please.
The top 10 are very closely kept a watch on. As for cheating, it basically doesn't happen above 2100. The engine detection system looks at someone after just 3 games now.

They have nothing to fear, and as far as I can tell, they don't fear going up against engines because they know the site is well-moderated.

As to the question of 'playing for rating'. That is a very big problem. Rating is merely a guideline to someone's ability. Chances are that someone outside the top 10 (like GM milacek, who plays very infrequently) is actually stronger. But you are right, some of them do tend to play weaker players out of fear they might lose games and lose face.

The fact is that Glicko-2 ratings are given in a range, with a central point. For example Grandfly, your own rating at this point in time is 2123±154. So your rating is actually between 1969 and 2277. The fact the Glicko rating system recognises the variability of ratings is what makes it such a good system, but people take the centred number (in your case, 2123) at face value. The point is, ratings are a generally accurate guideline, but not final. Due to using rating deviation, Glicko mostly resolves the problem of ratings being inaccurate. For example, losing to a lower-rated player will cause your rating not just to drop, but also your rating deviation to rise.

So there are two points to start the discussion:
1. Glicko ratings must always be considered as a range of values.
2. There are many players not listed because they play less frequently

More subjectively: lichess made a name for itself because of its extremely well-optimised frontend and excellent server setup, leading to low ping. From its early days, it has attracted a lot of blitz and bullet players. To see really high quality play, you would have to look for more classical games. I'm not talking rapid 15+0 chess, I'm talking >60 minutes at least.
I didn't know until now that players avoid playing with stronger players in order to not lose rating o.O I am probably just bad at math but i think it's almost the same because if you lose vs lower rated player you will lose more and if you win vs higher rated players you will simply get more points... And it's also not fun to play just vs weaker players lol, i always have room opened allowing only 2000+... And about that cheating i really not sure.. I still have few suspects who i reported but they are still in top 10 lists, actually one is top 2 with 2400+ rating. How are you going to check if he is a cheater ? I know all the methods you can possibly use but for such a high rating everything falls down except seeing him playing live on real board...
First of all, I should say 'Thanks' to Hellball, for He wrote answer on question, did it lively and deployed wrote, excuse me I'm not so good possere english (my own langua is another).

Зато хорошо могу написать и понимаю по-русски )
If someone have desire and time, could invite me to friendly game,
amichevole partita :)
Ад Мяч живо и развернуто написал... спасибо ему... англичане известны как практичные, компетентные люди :)

HellBall is live and deployed wrote... thanks to him... the British are known as practical, competent people :)
Thanks once again to HellBall, for his good work here.

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