
Find the best move in this position (2) (Don't look to PGN)

In this position after white move #14, I, playing black, answered with mistake 14. ...Qh4. But my opponent didn't realize and made another move to threaten my Queen: 15. Bg5.

Can you find how blacks survive this?

You shouldn't have played Kc8 as the last move. Rd5 forces Rc5, and then you can exchange rooks with a pretty big advantage in the endgame.
That's such a nice find. 15...Nf3+, Kh1 (If gxf3 then Qxh3 should be completely fine for black with a perpetual at least) Qg3!! fxg3, Nxg3#. If you're not taking the queen on g3, then good luck stopping Qh2# or Qg2# if allowed.
16. Qg3 is one of the coolest move i've seen yet. double horseys mate

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