
mission accomplisheddddd

<Comment deleted by user>
Wow, this is really impressive, congrats! I do ~4 puzzles per hour (medium level) with ~50% success rate 😂
Good thing about Lichess puzzles is that you get to choose how much thinking you wish to invest in each challenge. Thinking less allows you to work on your intuition (which may come handy in your blitz/bullet games), while thinking more makes a nice computation exercise. :))
[[ #4, @Yeltcki ]] 1000 puzzles in 4 hours, so it takes 4*60*60/1000 = 14.4 seconds per puzzle. Quite something (to make it to 2000+ in such "time control"), i usually take 5 minutes x)

If you want to think less and work on your intuition you can do puzzle storm or racer. Also he did 1565 puzzles so it is 4*60*60/1565 ≈ 9,2 seconds / puzzle.
@svihan pfff 2300 is easy, i only got so low because i was playing on a crap small phone screen. just played today and reached 2400 without breaking a sweat.

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