
Search "user:sekharpamidipati"

81 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Candidates 2020 - FIDE declares "safety is our priority"#52

What is meaning of a statement " safety is our priority"..there is a clear evidence of health issues in all countries..This decision of conducting tournament in this situation shows ' EGO IS THEIR PRI…

General Chess Discussion - 'Good Game' vs 'Well played'#47

There is no point in saying well played or good game...Every individual knows his worst and good games..If the players needs to know about their game ..Go for private messages with players...It might …

Lichess Feedback - Good update of lichess home page#1

I think now the Home page is good...every thing in the aspect of featues

General Chess Discussion - What's your checklist before you make a move?#57

Human brain reacts to specific conditions and positions...What is that is depends on opposition moves...Protection and attack is two conditions is must in chess...Some times brain and our eyes decepti…

General Chess Discussion - I guess I should RETIRE from competitive Chess#28

Age and stress reducing your zeal of interest in chess?...Intact half of lichess players are same boat, but these two ....AGE AND STRESS overcoming by them...At this age the matured levels in game inc…

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General Chess Discussion - Exceptions to Common Opening Principles..?#4

Master DUZZZ ...Is 100% correct in his suggestion . When to deviate principles and theory will directed by situation and position.if you want some advantage you should initiate attack even you are not…

General Chess Discussion - Chess as medicine#9

Chess is a like brain storming game..It is no different to puzzles...It cannot be taken for curing diseases...If so, medical world never existed...Because both medical world and chess ancient belongin…

General Chess Discussion - What did you obtain from chess in life and reality?#11

To me....Chess is how my mind and thought process reacting to particular situation...Win or lose is it's me responsible for that..When I lost a game, I try to find a win...If I won, I try to continue …
