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261 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - Tactics Based on LiChess Games Question#3

Tactics are no longer being created on Lichess. There are currently 60120 puzzles and none have been generated in awhile. (In case you wonder why, it was a semi-arbitrary decision by Thibault that 601…

General Chess Discussion - Mate in 9 puzzle#9

I think it has to do with the way Stockfish searches and prunes move trees. In this case, it did not consider the Qg3 line well enough. Does anyone know how to report this to the Stockfish developers?

General Chess Discussion - Mate in 9 puzzle#7

On my computer, Stockfish sees the checkmate after 16. Nxf6+ Kh8 17. Qg3 (mate in 8). After that we have 17. ...g5 18. Qxg5 Rg8 and I leave the rest to be solved.

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General Chess Discussion - Mate in 9 puzzle#3

Here's the study so you can play in puzzle mode.

General Chess Discussion - Mate in 9 puzzle#1

Playing as white, checkmate black in 9 moves against best defense. This position came up in a game I played; I was black and my opponent missed the checkmate.…

Game analysis - Why people play sicilian dragon defense?#2

The Sicilian Dragon is known for resulting in sharp and tactical positions. Black has good attacking chances, but if black plays too passively, white can launch a crushing attack. Furthermore, your op…

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