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10000 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Seeking for users who want to practice English#1

Hi there. I am Peter, and my native language is not English. I'm seeking for users who want to practice English by chatting with me. Message me if you have any questions, or leave them here. (Hope thi…

Indicheck _hu - News + This & That#87

Short report about yesterday: I really wanted to win this TPR Trophy tournament and you guys did it for me! Thank you! It was a hard fight, but at the finish ma…

Lichess Feedback - Too much space on the UI#4

It's a bug. Grid layout adds chat there. You can use this style with Stylus as a workaround until it's fixed: .tv-single { grid-template-areas: "side app app" "side under ."; }

Off-Topic Discussion - Your experience of appealing on lichess#20

I said ]]]]]]]]} in a tournament chat accidentally after my pet cat stepped onto my keyboard, got a 15 minute chatban, appealed because I could never go 15 minutes without pointlessly annoying someone…

General Chess Discussion - Reports in lichess#14

I like it. It hides not only chat but also the information about your opponent's nick and rating. Playing without having to worry that you are supposed to win or lose is quite liberating. The only dow…

General Chess Discussion - Reports in lichess#12

For the record, zen mode only hides the chat while playing, once the game ends, the chat is available again (private players chat first, public spectators chat when you switch to analysis).

General Chess Discussion - Reports in lichess#11

@TacticalMonkey said in #10: > I think that right there is the trigger, I try to not abuse anything but cant help myself when people accuse me. Thats what I watned to mainly share and got misunderstoo…

Lichess Feedback - had a weird bugged game#1

I did not realized it at start but chat messages kept come along with my ping or his ping, "Black to move in 15 seconds" When he quit after a few moves I only saw that I had extensive minutes in a 10 …

Lichess Feedback - Ability to mute/block certain users in chat while watching tournament broadcasts#1

Perhaps if an individual is on your blocked list their chats might not show up while watching tournament broadcasts. This might help players 'turn off' political chatters and trolls while allowing the…

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