
Search "user:SAWHAnthonys"

10 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - I got a warning!?#5

*posts about intentionally losing chess games* "ah well, i'm going to go to sleep for the night, hopefully nothing isn't going to happen to my account!" *wakes up, opens lichess, sees a warning* *supr…

General Chess Discussion - how on earth did i win this??????#8

I feel bad- for both sides. Like I don't know whether to feel bad for white losing or for black for playing so bad at the beginning. (no offense ofc.) :) Just trying to shine some light today.

General Chess Discussion - Yay I hit 1700 in Rapid#9

Sometimes you blunder because you aren't focused enough. I'm usually not focused enough or even when I am I overlook very obvious checkmates that I have or that my opponent has. Any tips to, I dunno, …

Game analysis - Favourite Trap#3

*insert wow meme*

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Meetup Announcements#18

I wish there was an NYC one. Too far away from both places. Good luck all in this meet up though.

Game analysis - Why is stockfish level 1 so difficult & inconsistent to beat?#10

1. It all depends on your time and effort/determination but not all your time on chess. In order to get good or decent, you can spend some time on bots, but not all your time on bots when you play, di…

General Chess Discussion - How to beat an IM in chess :) #5

Wow, I've never seen such skill in one person's game. I'm incredibly impressed by this tactic.

Game analysis - What does it take to beat a 2000?#12

Deep analysis and not making any blundering moves / let them get a tactical advantage on you. I beat a 1956 close to a 2000 so just make tricky moves too and let them think. They often get scared some…

Game analysis - Why 1200 are better than 1500 +?#50

Depends on how they play out the game. I beat an FM today but mainly because he blundered, so it really depends on how you know the opening played by your opponent, their techniques, and their goal. h…

General Chess Discussion - Who will win the 2018 world chess championship?#22

Carlsen is going to win. Through we all want Caruana to win lets face it, they had matches in the past and Magnus won most of them.
