
Search "user:Sunmachine"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - zero points in tournament for a draw#3

from memory i think i went draw loss draw, so i guess that explains why the 2nd draw was a zero. i will have to look for those arena tournament rules again because i couldnt find them , hence posting …

Lichess Feedback - zero points in tournament for a draw#1

i recently had a draw in a bullet tournament but received zero points. I thought i should get one point for a draw? Can someone please explain to me why I didnt receive a point in a 15 move draw? I si…

Game analysis - Only 1% of chess games is won by tactics some say.#10

chess is 50% tactics and 50% technique. The other 50% is preparation

General Chess Discussion - Best Chess Players (relative to their peers)#172

nevermind, i am prepared to be invalid as I feel the thread has been hijacked. cheers and have fun

General Chess Discussion - Best Chess Players (relative to their peers)#170

since trolls appeared to have hijacked this and ruined it , I'm voting magnus back in and philidor down. magnus Carlsen - 1 Bobby Fischer - 32 Emanuel Lasker - 28 Paul Morphy - 23 Wilhelm Steinitz - 1…

General Chess Discussion - Prevent lag compensation at Ultra and Hyper Bullet games#39

I dont really have any good suggestions as i am not knowledgable on the technical side of things...this is someone else's job. I will say this though, if I play someone in 15 second bullet, and i make…

Lichess Feedback - Why is the time so short for leaving a game and claiming victory?#8

Its a two way street. My position is that if you have a poor internet connection or trouble with your computer, it is your problem. Fix all your internet issues if you want to have a pleasurable onlin…
