
Search "user:erienion"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Probably a bug in android app#4

Thanks thibault. I don't have any idea how it happened. I will play some more games and see if I can reproduce it.

Lichess Feedback - Making it more obvious that an opponent uses computer assistance#6

I just hover mouse over the persons name before making my first move. If it says they use computer I just abort and block so I don't see them again.

Lichess Feedback - Probably a bug in android app#1

I played a few games using the new lichess android app last night, signed in as myself. Today I find that I have 828 games in progress against Anon, all at move 1 waiting for me. Could these in proges…

Lichess Feedback - Correspondence email notification on opponent move#3

Yeah sure, you don't *need* email, what I would love though is to have the option to opt-in to having an email sent to myself.

Lichess Feedback - Correspondence email notification on opponent move#1

It would be good to have the option get an email notification in correspondence when the opponent moves, rather than having to log into the site multiple times a day to check games.

Lichess Feedback - Private Tournament Time Control#1

The time controls for creating tournaments are restrictively short, which is fine for public tournaments. I think though that for private tournaments, much longer time controls should be possible, to …
