
Announcing our new logo!

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This... this is what human evolution has been leading to. This is the peak of human creativity, and never have I been more proud to live during this time period. When aliens millennia from now visit our long-extinct and forgotten civilization, only one thing shall remain! Epic horsey!
too many pages, this thread is a long chat or texto sequence with some forum posts disseminated into it, that's my skipping over the middle impression.

I think the official design (not the April 1) is too aerodynamic looking (not to mention that is looks like a curled upon itself white wolf). I preferred the "concombre masqué" inspired one. Less serious less sleek.

More humble, we are chess players, we don't need to shine, we trust our game, so who cares if our eyes evolved the way of the sole, or keep some random walk over our picture.

Idea: why not have a pool of icons that keep changing or rotating, each time the UI gets an update propagated; that could be defeating the purpose of a logo, one could argue, unless some common features exists throughout the pool, not necessarily directly at the visual level.

@adlew Now your idea of other emblematic pieces is interesting. I think the fool would do great. In anglo-saxonia it is a Bishop, serious reference. In French, it is the buffoon, "le fou du roi". Or if you want: the real wisdom, able to mock the power figure and give it its truth, and showing it in public. Wasn't it the role of buffoons. Like street theater? Am I confusing the genres.

Anyway, a Bishop (Fou), with some variant details keeping us on our toes, would form a good pool of logos....
Is it possible to send you a picture with your own version of the logo? how to do it?
More funds could be allocated for such a wonderful logo!

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