
Bug : it says my opponent have the advantage while I'm winning

@Yussuf07 I don't see the change. But I do see a change, when I move the black pieces.

Maybe stockfish currently value the Black higher, because you rook isn't yet open, and your knight haven't advanced anywhere yet?.
Where as black, has put all it's major pieces into play. (Perhaps this is rated higher than the two pawns lost?)
This perhaps would explain the centipawn loss difference between black and white?
Although white is clearly in a better position, maybe Stockfish algorithm values the blacks opening higher, as well as the previous movement of the black pawn. (Where as white pawns are still in the starting position)

Edit: and black still have the opportunity to castle. (Perhaps in Stockfish algorithm, the chance of castling, earns a few extra points?)
If you leave engine on for 30 seconds it changes to +6 for the move you are analyzing.
Most the games that I win by checkmate I'm down material 7 or 8 points. Chess is beautiful in so many ways. Position is more valuable than any other piece other than ur king

Why is it suspicious ? If you want I can explain you every move I did in the game. I am only rated 1760 in rapid because it has been a long time since I played.
Low rating opinion, but tried playing white from the resigned position and had a hard time, couldn't win against SF. Perhaps black resigned too early.

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