
3check chess and my future with it

@Orange I thought there might be some, but none of my oponents seemed to know something. And I also don't know whether you know the theory or not, as far as I remember (playing as "lazy" or "strategymaster") our very early battles where I could still compete with you, you couldn't find a path against my improvised 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 e6 4.Na3!? or 3.Na3!?. You even adopted it against me (and did it btw better). Also, even if in the latter stages you found a way to beat me in <20 moves, the most of our games went beyond that (e.g.still wins on checks, but already in the far middlegame without queens and even with a well playable position for black). I just wondered if your wins are on account of weak opponents (that is, they make themselfes to lot holes, such that it doesn't matter if you win 'forcefully' or 'positionally'; I mean we both can play regular chess as well and will outplay the oponent in an already better position).
A shame that i'm to busy studying and stuff, would love to prepare some home-made strategies (or develop more of own theory) and see how much it would boost me. Eventually, a side variant between two able players is amazing as hell
@ToLazy Oh I wasn’t talking about our games lol. We played awhile back, and truth be told I remember very little but I think I remember having trouble vs you. I was talking about my games against 1900/2000s, most of which don’t even get past the opening. But you’re right. With a solid defense, black can definitely reach the middlegame. I still stand by my statement that I think, with perfect play from both sides, 3+ is always a win for white with 1. e4, but I’m definitely not at that level yet. Hit me up if you’re ever down to theory-craft. We could give OP some good stuff to write about :]
I would really like to read some site or watch some vids about how to play 3C. I play atomic (among the top ten). I find some similarities but I still don't get the to improve my level in 3C. In atomic some of the strongest players have upload some vids to youtube. Tipau's vids: And Onubense's vids: Maybe someone could find easier to comment on the theory of 3C using vids like this. Just an idea. :)

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