
How do you really feel about chess?

How do you really feel about chess? What do you feel about it deep inside?
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51% love\49% hate I guess would explain it best.
I'm smiling when I'm winning and sometimes feel physically sick when I'm losing.So it's a very suitable game for a schizophrenic like me lol Black and white , light and dark and all the emotions that chess brings xxx Its brilliant and exciting I love it even though I'm not that good at it. I think it's probably a perfect game , amazing how it came to
Edit I would change only one thing about chess and that would be to toss a coin or a black and white disc like an Othello counter to see which colour moves first xxx
My highschool had enough people that sports teams were only looking for people over 6 feet tall and in football 180 lbs. I don't get that big in either dimension. I'd played in team sports since I was very small before that and didn't know what to do when the coach of my high school told me I'd need those qualifications if I ever wanted to be on the varsity squad. I got into chess by accident as I played a teacher in the school a chess game and managed to win. I was told the high school had a chess team (they were much stronger than the teacher I had played) and the rest is history.

I high a high instinct for competitiveness and felt like I may lose my identity when told I'd never be able to start on a sports team. Instead I was able to replace that with an alternative sport that relied on mental prowess instead of physical. I think gratitude is the emotion that explains my feelings best. Honestly, I'd be a completely different person than I am today if I'd not learned about chess back then... To be honest, I don't think I'd have liked that person I'd have become either.
I feel its beauty; an enchanted forest of sculptures, a labyrinth without walls, enigmatic, unfathomable, astronomical.
Chess helps me improve my concentration.
I really like solving tactics puzzles, mainly because of this I'm solving puzzles and playing games!!!
Love the game - keeps me entertained, sometimes for hours a day. Keeps me humble, when I think that I might be good, I get my a** kicked by somebody better and the ego is curtailed.
A tear of joy escaped my eyes when i played a game otb after 10 years of not doing so.
Figure it out.

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