
How do you really feel about chess?

When i play chess,it usually feels like im wasting my time,occasionally chess is super fun,i wish i had that super fun feeling everytime i play chess,then i would do nothing but play chess
I dont know if its a good or bad thing,i think i play too much chess
a game which is a hobby which I am trying to improve at, but only a few bad days away from me quitting for years, maybe decades, perhaps forever.
@Akarsh_2010 said in #23:
> a game which is a hobby which I am trying to improve at, but only a few bad days away from me quitting for years, maybe decades, perhaps forever.

Chess can make a person very upset,but dont forget that it can make you very happy also,i think the middle way is the best way to go wich i myself cant do,its best not to overplay,bad days are usually a result of overplaying i think
I feel chess is a distraction from the real world. I do not think it provides any benefit to the players in anything in life other than playing chess. If you have other things to do and do not have enough time then do not waste your time playing chess.
@FreeGlobalMarkets said in #27:
> I feel chess is a distraction from the real world. I do not think it provides any benefit to the players in anything in life other than playing chess. If you have other things to do and do not have enough time then do not waste your time playing chess.

In chess ,in every move we make,we make a decision,all your moves or decisions are only in your responsibility,if you play a lot of chess you will get the ability to be able to make decisions,after you have played a resonable amaunt of chess for a couple years,you will realize that you make decisions faster and with more confidense
How do I feel about chess.... A true sport I can WIN. Something that can give me recognition for my achievement. I ENJOY it. LOVE it. EVERY BIT of it. EVEN the fact that it can sometimes use up your brain energy....

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