
LM Title?

It would be great to have a lot more titles, even for rather low rating players, but separate them completely from titles acquired outside of lichess.. that is by placement, color etc. that is, would be great to have some kind of gamification / "career" inside Lichess.
#17 thanks for the correction. Whether it was 2100 or 2200 for CM qualification doesn't really change what I said though. If there really are too many people getting LM rating, then imho it's because there are too many club players excelling at variants in which no actual titled players bother with. So if it's already a requirement to be 1800 FIDE or equivalent, I imagine raising the bar to 2000 would likely weed out quite a few LMs that play questionable standard chess as well as a handful of good mouse twitchers with questionable slow chess ability.

I suppose it really depends on 1) if it really is too easy to get the LM title (I'll admit, I remember when it was first instated until maybe a few months ago it seemed like there were maybe only a small handful and now I see titles titles everywhere, so it might be accurate or it could just be that the player base has increased dramatically and thus the number of LMs has gone up proportionately) and 2) what purpose we want the LM title to perform - is it something that should be easily attainable for any above average club player who happens to excel at one particular variant of online chess or should it be something more of an actual master of the game whose overall performance in any variant of online chess is generally expected to be quite strong and who truly sets a high bar in at least one particular variant?

Personally I would prefer to see it as the 2nd, I think the LM title is meaningless if it's being handed out like water, and it undermines the other organizations' titles that are recognized here by making come rinky-dink club players who are fast with a mouse or excel at throwing pieces away appear to be recognized as equally gifted as national masters, international masters, and grandmasters, all of whom have dedicated their lives to a complete understanding of the game.
#20 This has been suggested before and I like the idea (at least for variants where an engine exists and cheating can be detected).
my point is LM is too general and it would be nice if it would classify the better from the worse masters
#24 Thanks for another correction to something I was mistaken about. :)

All my points still stand.
I don't see the problem with only having 1 LM titel. And you may say there very diffrent but you can look at someones rating graph and see what LM titel they have.

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