
Why didn't Lichess made a public declaration about the genocide in Gaza?

Why are you lot concerned about events happening thousands of miles away?
@HiramHolliday said in #41:
U seem to be the one concerned
U keep posting in threads about gaza that you don't care about it
If u really don't care then why do u keep saying everywhere that u don't care
Seems more that u care 2 me
It fascinates me that the topic of "genocide" is debated but (perhaps I missed it?) I see nobody post the very definition of the word. (Although I did see a few posters who seem to know what it means, and know that what's going on in Gaza is not it).

EDIT: I re-read every post, and I DID "miss it." It appears that @ed01106 posted the definition before I did. Thanks, @ed01106, for attempting to bring some clarity about the word's meaning -- sorry I missed or too quickly read your post #15 the first time.


the deliberate killing or severe mistreatment of a large number of people from a particular national or ethnic group * with the aim of destroying that nation or group *:

NOTICE THE PART BETWEEN THE STARS (which I added, for emphasis). We can't just ignore that part of the definition, or else we'd have to label every military conflict a "genocide."

Israel is NOT trying to destroy all "Palestinians" as a group. If they were, they would not have given warnings and waited for weeks to give people a chance to leave the area of conflict.

Trying to bring down a government may have harsh consequences. It may lead to the undesired, unintentional deaths of others, and it may even be a mistake or an evil -- those things can certainly be debated.

But it is NOT "genocide." Genocide is what happened in Europe in the 1940s, when Hitler ACTUALLY decided to try to kill every Jew available to be killed. Genocide is what is hoped for when some men call for ALL of Israel to be "driven into the sea" without water wings.

By all means, let us debate whether or not the cost of uprooting Hamas is too high, from either a moral or a practical standpoint. But let's stop pretending that Israel wishes to kill all Palestinians and commit genocide. They obviously don't. You don't give warnings to those you wish to kill. You don't permit food and water to cross over to them (as they HAVE).

Remember how this started. There was a cease fire and Israel and the Palestinians were at peace. Israel wasn't the one to break the cease fire. And it wasn't a military base that was attacked. It was a music festival. Those are simply facts.

Nevertheless, nobody should be gleeful about even the unintended casualties of war, and we can all rightfully mourn the deaths of civilians caught up in war. That is nothing to celebrate. There are many wonderful Palestinian civilians -- nobody should celebrate their deaths and I don't see Israel or any other sane group celebrating. I see them claiming, instead, to "have made a grave mistake" when they accidentally kill aid workers with what amounts to friendly fire. I saw them warn Palestinians, weeks in advance, to get out of harms way.

What I did NOT see was anybody warning the Israeli women and children to leave the music festival before they began to be murdered deliberately and face-to-face. They were not killed "accidentally" or as "collateral damage."
@HiramHolliday said in #44:
> I only post to as I cannot believe the interest in foreign fights.

Foreign? Dude, you're from Scotland. The only domestic news you have is that pertaining to sheep, unicorns, and/or William Wallace.
@HiramHolliday said in #46:
> Typical armchair warrior...Your mom will find out what you get up to.

My mom will find out... that I point out flaws in the reasonings of others? I think she knows already, mate.
@HiramHolliday said in #48:
> True..she told me in bed last night.

Nice try. My mother's never been to Scotland-- it's many miles away, so she doesn't think about it.

Perhaps you are confusing her with William Wallace or a unicorn?

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