
- Songs About Women -

@Sweatergirl, I have treated no posters unfairly. Indeed, I try to remain both patient and kind. It is not I who is attacking other posters or trying to intimidate them.

I'll say it yet again: have a lovely evening!
@Noflaps said in #61:
> @Sweatergirl, I have treated no posters unfairly. Indeed, I try to remain both patient and kind. It is not I who is attacking other posters or trying to intimidate them.
> I'll say it yet again: have a lovely evening!

I see. You are one of those wrongdoers who mistakenly thinks as herself as decent because you always deny the wrong you do.
I did not first address you. You first addressed me. Anybody can scroll up and check. See my post #51, which mentioned you not at all and referred to a song about women ("Mary had a little lamb.") Mary is a woman's name, in my culture.

You then authored your post #52, accusing me of being off-topic (which I was not) and suggesting that I "get off the internet" if I did not comply with your mistakenly-applied directive.

I have not attacked you. Are you trying to troll me? I'm sure we all have better things to do. Like learn to play the lovely hippopotamus opening.

Perhaps the third time is the charm: have a lovely evening!

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