
Is flagging a legitamite strategy?

Flagging is a legitimate strategy, definitely in bullet. And blocking the most unpleasant flaggers is a legitimate strategy as well. (You can block them, the server shouldn't.)
There are 3 legitimate ways of winning on chess:

1. Checkmating your opponent

2. Making his time run out.

3. To make the opponent Resign

The first one, you depend on opponent's mistakes, the second one, you depend of his slowliness, the third one, from his lack of hope.

All are legal.
@KingsChessAdmin said in #36:
> Once the clock is under 10 seconds I agree that all thoughts of "proper" chess should be put from your mind and flagging now has to be the foremost way of winning, but players who waste time trying to flag games with long increments or obviously drawn endings (opposite bishop or rook endings being the worst offenders) are the scum of the earth and deserve nothing less then a punch in the face if you ever see them in real life !

if the clock is under ten seconds and it's an endgame that you knkow, then you should try and play how you're supposed to, but not a big deal if you cant
@deepvalue11 said in #1:
> I'm fairly new to bullet but one thing I have noticed is some players move as quickly as possible or even pre move almost the entire game. I'm a little confused as to why - is this an actual primary strategy people employ in the hope of flagging? I mean it works pretty well on me but I'm pretty bad and slow.

Unfortunately, people nowadays think chess is a kind of video game. They use every single cheat at their own disposal to treat to win the game one way or another.

Flagging your opponent is a sorrowful path to winning a game. But people would rather win a couple of points than play decent chess.

Online chess is what it is.
If your bullet opponent plays ultra-fast or premoves almost the entire game, punish him with good moves. If you're too slow (like me), then maybe play blitz instead.
I have a few solutions to not get flagged.
1. Try to threaten checkmate early
2. Make a good move that they really need to think or they will blunder something
3. Go for checks
4. Don't play bullet
Edit: If anyone disagrees with me, please share your opinion. I would like to know.
Also, for 4. Don't play bullet, I am implying that, if you cannot think quick and cannot make moves fast enough, maybe bullet just isn't for you. I suggest getting a decent rating in Blitz, then try to play bullet games. Another suggestion is something I made up called "rush puzzles". These puzzles are really easy, like capture a free piece, mate in one, or a 3 move sequence that wins a piece, or just don't blunder anything. But, you have 1-3 seconds to complete them. I think this may help, but you need to find someone else to set up the positions, because this isnt available online. Or just do Easiest on the lichess puzzles menu, and try to solve it in 1-3 seconds. I DO NOT recommend this for anything other than bullet, so tell me if it helped and have a nice day!
@FryderykFranciszek said in #45:
> Unfortunately, people nowadays think chess is a kind of video game. They use every single cheat at their own disposal to treat to win the game one way or another.
> Flagging your opponent is a sorrowful path to winning a game. But people would rather win a couple of points than play decent chess.
This thread is about BULLET it is kinda of video game. I am pretty sure most bullet games are won on timeout anyway.

For real chess you need more time per move than there is in bullet for whole game
@Buttercup22 said in #10:
> This one minute flagging business is making a mockery of the game of chess. The grand masters like Morphy and Steinitz would be rolling in their graves if they knew what was going on these days. Talk about dragging a noble game into the gutter. If you want to play your best put effort into playing good moves not this silly flagging business. How childish.
If you don't like bullet, don't play bullet.
If you play bullet, play bullet, which entails flagging.

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