
Some cheating.

Maybe some users tweak their TCP latency (TCP_NODELAY) to lower their high ping. The tweaks most likely make their response times much faster then the players that do not tweak their network settings.
Tweaking is not cheating, but it changes everything when playing 0+1 blitz games.

A solution to slow down players that continually change accounts, would be to deny access to tournaments until 25 training puzzles & 25 opening puzzles were done. This would give the opponents an estimate of their tactical and opening strength before playing in a tournament.
When I see a new account player win a tournament, it only means that an unrated player got the big prize. OTB unrated players do not get the big winnings. The true winners of a tournament are the ones with well established ratings. Maybe we need to different winning categories.
Separate trophies: Unrated or new accounts get a first place ribbon and the older rated player accounts get a trophy.

This will stop the temporary new accounts from hindering the trophies of the honourable players.
I thought this site had an anti-cheating system. If I'm not mistaken platforms like Arena (Official Fide Site) and have both anti-cheating system. Hasn't this site got an anti-cheating system ?
Hello everyone, I used to be part of the cheating program for ICC , World chess network when it was around, and USCL.

I have to say from experience, if you want to avoid playing cheaters, try using small time control formats, for example anything under 3 minute chess is very hard to cheat,

Most of the time people who cheat will use an engine on long standard games 15 minutes +.

But also you need to consider not everyone is cheating, there is a lot of good players around the world, try to get out of the books quick if you suspect cheater.
Analyze your game at the end with an engine and see how many accurate moves your opponent made during middle game and endgame, you cant judge it by openings cause its too basic and everyone studies openings.

Just remember not everyone cheat but there will always be some people looking for attention, Just report the cheater but make sure your info is accurate, its not fun being called a cheater when you are actually skilled.

well guys if any other questions about cheating let me know. Cheers,
Patrick Caissie
lichess user name = Anticreeps

#22 Yes, this website does have an anti-cheating system.
It has probably the best anti-cheating system out of any chess site. And it has tons of moderators who review the cheating reports daily. Not everyone you think is cheating is a cheat. Not everyone who you think couldn't possibly be a cheater is legitimate. Lichess has a long track record of sorting both of those things out regularly, preventing false-flags from ruining someone's good reputation, and taking down high-profile frauds who earned followings here and other chess sites.

The simple fact is, if you're playing casual games and losing to cheaters, especially if they are anonymous, there is absolutely nothing that can or will be done. Just play rated games or at the very least play only games against people who hold accounts, and if you encounter an instance of what you believe to be cheating report it...and then respect the fact that unless you are a mod with access to all the data that the system generates for them in their analysis of cheaters that you do not know better regardless of your hunch as to whether or not someone is cheating, so accept their decision to flag them or not.

K, thanks. Getting really tired of these cheat posts, honestly. Lichess isn't 'getting worse' or 'getting more cheaters' it just isn't the case. It's just that we're getting more and more users who haven't been around here long enough to understand it seems.

Good luck, and go play some chess.
Hello Fenris1066,

I am sure that Lichess tries its best to prevent cheating but its clear that there are many cheaters caught after months and during this time they are producing allot of damage in chess-community.

Everybody knows that most people play without engine abuse but to be afraid because people become angry if they are tricked by some cheaters is in my opinion also not the way to go.

A good community should be able to handle this problem by talking about it as long as the problem is already existing.

I played many years on another famous chess site and I never had the feeling that there is allot of cheating going on. Since I started playing on Lichess was there - on of the reasons could be that you can so easily look at the played game.

I like this site but cheating is a serious problem and we should talk about it as much as we can and dont blame who are tricked by cheaters and are just angry about that for being bad losers or paranoid...

Best wishes

*Since I started playing on Lichess this began to change - one of the reasons could be ....
@Nadastar: I quickly went through all your games and only one game was against a cheater, who is indeed labelled as a cheater.
I guess it depends on the perspective, if one considers this a serious problem. A problem it certainly is. But on the other hand it is one game out of 90. Just to mention it.
Also best wishes!
Agreed with the points above. Just finished playing a cheater actually. He had 0 inaccuracies 0 mistakes 0 blunders with 5 centipawn loss but I still managed to flag him on time and take the win. Those who say cheating isn't a problem are just clueless.
I agree.

It's really hard for me to see this as a big problem really...
I believe I have only faced one cheater in the many games I have played. Even if I have faced more than one, that had no effect on my rating since it's clear for me that the rating I have is the one I deserve. I don't mind playing a computer once in a while, since you are still playing chess... Love the game, not your rating.

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