
Some cheating.

#72 The last game seems ok, some people are just too used to blitz. I often blitz out my moves in classic, though I try to correct that flaw of mine.
P.S. are you intentionally stalking classic games, lol?

Without my experience I collected during the last time I would agree to you that everything looking normal in the last game. Because many mistakes and so on...

The problem ist: Move times are normally not as flat as in the games of both players. And there are cheaters using weak engines as well (they like to play test games against Stockfish), so its much harder to catch them. Both have no real bullet rating of course.

You are free to call me a stalker. But if you have developed some sensitivity it becomes easy to spot - at least - the obvious cheaters.

Best wishes
I think we live in paralel universes.

One thing that absolutely does not bother me is cheating. I'm yet to meet a cheater in live chess. At any time control. This is not only true for lichess, I never met one at either.

It is my conviction that the vast majority of players are honest. I never feel that I'm playing against a bunch cheaters, nor am I worried about that.

What really bothers me is when someone clicks on a seek and then does not play. THIS drives me MAD. I would be radical in this respect: once you click on a seek you either play or it will be deducted from your rating. You have a rating filter, you have a block button, every meas to avoid players you don't like. But once you click you PLAY.
@casualr: I obviously are not as cool as you are. People are different in many ways...

The thread here is about "some cheating" and not "everywhere cheating" and "some cheating" is indeed going on.

In my example I gave there is a player called Setne007 who was tricked in several recent games. 2 cheaters are already caught and some others are still not marked. Setne007 played against all 4 cheaters I mentioned. Here are the games:

So in his last ~36 classical games he was probably cheated 6 times. Thats around 17% or so.

Thats exactly my experience and represents the current situation. So even in classical chess most players arent cheating - thats clear! But there is in spite of that much (a huge amount of "some") cheating going on...

Best wishes

It always baffled me why people waste so much time in classical games just looking at the engine moves and waiting for the other player to move.
I can't live without long time control games. I need to think about certain positions so that I can get an understanding of them which is later useful even at fast time controls. On the other hand I admit that switching between time controls can be a good thing. Recently I lost nearly 100 points in standard live, but this made me angry and I turned to bullet, which is my utter weakness and gained almost 100 points and compared to my poor standards I'm at a previously unthinkable level. What I lost in standard, I gained in bullet, which is good for my mood. Bullet is a good mix up of your chess activity to a certain point, but playing always bullet kills something out of the game. More importantly if you suspect cheaters at every corner, bullet can't save you from them.
For the record, what part of the "don't publicly post cheating accusations" rules of these forums did you forget after apparently being dropped on your head a doze times Nada? You can't circumvent the rules by simply saying "well I was just asking opinions about some games" because you are quite blatantly turning this thread into a witch hunt. Go join CIA and post in their team forums and stop dragging this inquisition into the open. Your initial post and the discussion is fine.

Then again, maybe threads like this are just pointless and are ultimately designed to do just what's happened here. I just don't understand how discussing how "omg so bad" cheating has become when it really isn't all that much more prolific than it was 10 years ago I think. The main difference is that now cheats get frequently caught fairly quickly (especially on Lichess) and you know about it whereas 10 years ago on FICS or the like, you could only suspect, report if you really thought you had some evidence, and maybe find out 2 years later that they were indeed a cheater if you bothered to follow up.

Also, I'd imagine that the number of false cheat accusations has also rose steadily with the number of cheats discovered. It's like, once you know for a fact they're out there and being caught, you start looking for them everywhere. You start believing that you have the means to oust them with your Sherlock Holmes like power of deductive reasoning, when the algorithms and moderators themselves are not flagging these people. Maybe you'll find out a few weeks after that one out of 10 people you think are cheating was in fact cheating, and then due to confirmation bias you'll agree that obviously you're amazing at cheat detection, even though you put up 9 false positives.

By all means, if you get your jollies hunting these people and analyzing games and reporting them, do so. It helps! I'm not by any means saying to stop doing that especially if you enjoy it.

However...for the love of the almighty chess gods, stop posting about it, and I would absolutely say stop posting links to people's games with passive aggressive allegations because it's a violation of the rules.

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